this one was actually in an latimes article about john mccain that appeared monday - it's been sort of a busy week, so I'm just getting around to it now.
"I'm running for president of the United States because I believe the transcendent challenge of the 21st century is radical Islamic extremism," McCain told reporters at an airplane museum between Tampa and Orlando.absolutely unbelievable - well, to me it is, but a lot of people gobble this stuff up and actually come back for more - this is the kool-aid the republicans have been handing out for the past six and a half years and we're drinking it now more than ever - to be fair, although the republican administration started it - a lot of democrats have chimed right in with it too. you are being manipulated by political leaders and newscasters who frighteningly have been drinking too much of their own propaganda spiked thirst quencher.
McCain, who compared Romney to Democrats who have pushed to end the war, said: "If we had, quote, set timetables, the outcome of the conflict would have been different and it would have entailed a much greater expenditure of American blood and treasure."
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - don't believe the fear mongers.
and by the way, there is no terrorist threat.
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